Phone Number

+1 786-320-2003

We help keep pets and their families together at HomeWe Help Ensure Equality For All!

Our Mission: To help create equality for older adults, children, and animals in the poorest communities of the world through advocacy, strengthening, and education.

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Help Older Adults

We found that several older adults in our communities are lacking the support needed to access resources and entitlement benefits. We are committed to helping them.

Help Children

Racial discrimination and inequity places Black, Indigenous, and children of color at risk for psychological distress as well as other adverse effects, in which they experience low levels of well-being.

Help Animals

It is reported that approximately 950 cats and dogs are euthanized daily across the country because of lack of space, and adoption. We do whatever it takes to get animals adopted and cared for.

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We do whatever it takes to promote equity in the most impoverished communities and populations

About Global Advocates and Allies Inc.



Global Advocates and Allies Inc., is a Black, Indigenous, and People of Color [BIPOC] led organization committed to ensuring diversity, equity, and inclusion in human and animal well-being.

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Successful Rescue

Older Adults

Child Care

Animal Care

Help the children

Help us to create equality for Children

Racial discrimination and inequity places Black, Indigenous, and people of color at risk for psychological distress as well as other adverse effects, in which they experience low levels of well-being.

Older Adults

Help us Create Equality for Older Adults


Isolation, loneliness, depression in the older population increases suicidal thoughts, poor response to medication, poor appetite leading to starvation, insomnia or some cases hypersomnia, flat affect and worsening of any pre-existing condition that they might have such as Alzheimer, Parkinson disease and other forms of Dementia (Krendl, 2020). We make provisions for older adults to get back into society through part-time work, volunteerism, advocacy etc.

Our Story

Social determinants of health (SDOH) are conditions that influence health risks and outcomes based on where people live, learn, work, and play.  For this reason, We applied what we know about SDOH toward improving the lives of animals, older adults, and children.

Our Mission

Global Advocates and Allies Inc., is a Black, Indigenous, and People of Color [BIPOC] led organization committed to ensuring equity and inclusion in human and animal welfare. Our mission is help create equality for older adults, children, and animals in the poorest communities of the world through empowerment, advocacy, and education

Paw Prints in My Heart

Contact us for assistance with pet food, vaccination, pet deposits etc.


Safe & Easy Donations

Help Us Impact the Lives of Children, Older Adults, and Animals

Shasha and Milo Waiting for Mom

Did you know that there are many health benefits of owning a pet? The CDC reported that pet ownership can increase opportunities to exercise, get outside, and socialize (CDC, 2019).

Help the children

Racial discrimination and inequity places Black, Indigenous, and children of color at risk for psychological distress as well as other adverse effects, in which they experience low levels of well-being.

Animal Shelter Homes

Please consider providing a loving home for a sweet animal, they will love you for it, and you will definitely reap some benefits. If you cannot adopt, consider volunteering or donating at local animal welfare.

I want to emphasize that we are a human and animal welfare origination who provides assistance through education, empowerment, and connecting people and animals to resources/like minded networks.

Fun Fact Must You Know

Did you know that there are many health benefits of owning a pet?

The CDC reported that pet ownership can increase opportunities to exercise, get outside, and socialize (CDC, 2019). Regular walking or playing with pets can decrease blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and triglyceride levels.  Pets can help manage loneliness and depression by giving us companionship (CDC, 20219). 

Studies have also shown that the bond between people and their pets can increase fitness, lower stress, and bring happiness to their owners. Some of the health benefits of having a pet include:


Successful Rescue

A background encompassing all aspects of strategy development, program oversight, and goal attainment. Expertise includes full project life-cycle management, program development, staff training and mentoring.



Volunteerism is the backbone of the agency. Please consider volunteering to help us continue the work. Contact us at [email protected]

Our Recent Projects

Recent Projects

Feeding dogs in the Caribbean:

Pets and Families Forever Participant Registration Form

We can help provide the following services:

  • Pet food and supplies
  • Vaccination
  • Pet deposit
  • Boarding 
  • Emotional Pet Support Animal Letter
  • Compassion Animals
  • Education on how to properly care for pets
  • Assistance with vet bills and vaccinations
  • Pet adoption assistance 

What Our Volunteer Said

Our Volunteer Said

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Audrey Stevenson
    Audrey Stevenson

    Donor 1

    Half of the pets in the United States live in households with limited resources like Cesar's, who cannot work regularly due to mental illness and every day "has to look for them" to ensure food for himself, his son and his two dogs. , whom he does not want to give up for not having money. According to official data, more than 38 million people did not have enough food in the United States in 2020 and, therefore, it is possible to think that neither their dogs, cats and other pets.

    Fred Rodriquez
      Fred Rodriquez

      Donor 2

      As for me, I’m overjoyed and filled with love and purpose. I was lonely and depressed to the point of considering anti-depressant medication. Now, every morning when I wake up, they greet me in my bed, and my day is automatically brightened. There is never a dull moment around here with the constant tail chasing, soccer playing, flips/gymnastics and mischief.

      Laura Ferguson
        Laura Ferguson


        I cannot imagine life without my babies. We have so many years together ahead of us; I’m going to enjoy every minute of it. They are very grateful for me/mom, but it is me who is grateful for the love, acceptance, purpose, and joy that they bring to my life. I’m no longer sad and lonely, I’m rather amused and always occupied. My husband and I decided to adopt two more cats who really needed a loving home.

        John Doe
          John Doe

          Volunteer 2

          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

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